In quest of truth
- Unknown Binding: 107 pages
- Publisher: Buddhist Meditation Service; 1st ed edition (1988)
- ASIN: B0006EWPG2
A deep and perfect vision
A DEEP AND PERFECT VISION Dhamma Talks by Ajahn Luang Por Tate (Tate Taterangsee) Translated in the Dhamma by Ajahn Sumano Bhikkhu
“ Deeply knowing these facts is the foundation for wisdom. This is the key that opens the door to freedom. The Teaching of the Buddha, stated succinctly,is that the catalyst for wisdom to arise from the knowing (Realizing), in the present moment, that all things are in a state of flux, all conditions are somewhere between mildly and desperately unsatisfactory, and that the idea of who we think we are is a deception (annata,no-self) based on ignorance”
Monk in the Mountain
Monk in the Mountain provides direct access to the Spiritual Heart of genuine Samana (One who is walking the Path to the end of the world). The reader can access the Insight immediately and directly as Ajahn Sumano is someone just like you. The only difference is that he no longer believes that the pleasures of the world are all there is to this life. His process is everyone’s process: the obligation to know who we are, to get one’s priorities right, to sacrifice a little for the possibility of a lot. Ajahn Sumano took himself to where there was only he and his mind and challenged the mind to continue to deceive him, if it dared. The deception ended.
The Blooming Lotus and Dull Frogs
Title The Blooming Lotus and Dull Frogs
Author Achaan Chah
Translated by Sumanō (Phikkhu.)
Length 61 pages
In this booklet, we consider two modes of consciousness or mentality. One mode is extraordinary and universal; the other, ordinary and mundane. The universal extraordinary mind incorporates the smaller ego-dominated mind. We will look into both minds as we study them . “
Meeting the Monkey Halfway
Simple and straightforward, this “little book” is a distillation of 20 years of a Buddhist monk’s meditation practice. With a sense of reverence and respect for everything, Ajahn Sumano Bhikkhu shows us how to use only what we need, andthen to use these few things carefully and with discrimination. Meeting the Monkey Halfway is his personal story, and through his story he will help us to open our hearts and relearn the compassion of the Buddha.
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